# Witness description

Contains either a description of a single witness referred to within the critical apparatus, or a list of witnesses which is to be referred to by a single sigil. All witnesses in sourceDesc must be listed inside an listWit element as can be seen in the example. The xml:id attribute should always contain a unique manuscript identifier - siglum. All below described tags must be inside the msDesc element.

<witness xml:id="A17">
    <!-- Manuscript description -->
      <!-- Manuscript identification -->
      <!-- Description of intellectual content -->
      <!-- Physical description -->

# Manuscript identifier


    <country>Czech Republic</country>
    <region><!-- Region can be omnited if not set --></region>
    <institution>Státní oblastní archiv Třeboň</institution>
    <repository><!-- Can be omnited if not specified --></repository>
    <collection>Rukopisy Třeboň</collection>
    <idno>A 17</idno>

The msIdentifier element is intended to provide an unambiguous means of uniquely identifying a particular manuscript. This may be done in a structured way, by providing information about the holding institution and the call number, shelfmark, or other identifier used to indicate its location within that institution. Alternatively, or in addition, a manuscript may be identified simply by a commonly used name.

# Country

<country>Czech Republic</country>

Contains the name of a geo-political unit, such as a nation, country, colony, or commonwealth, larger than or administratively superior to a region and smaller than a bloc.

# Region


Contains the name of an administrative unit such as a state, province, or county, larger than a settlement, but smaller than a country. This element is optional.

# Settlement


Contains the name of a settlement such as a city, town, or village identified as a single geo-political or administrative unit.

# Institution

<institution>Státní oblastní archiv Třeboň</institution>

Contains the name of an organization such as a university or library, with which a manuscript or other object is identified, generally its holding institutio

# Repository


Contains the name of a repository within which manuscripts or other objects are stored, possibly forming part of an institution. This element is optional.

# Collection

<collection>Rukopisy Třeboň</collection>

Contains the name of a collection of manuscripts or other objects, not necessarily located within a single repository.

# Unique identificator

<idno>A 17</idno>

Supplies any form of an identifier used to identify some object, such as a bibliographic item, a person, a title, an organization, etc. in a standardized way.

# Manuscript contents


      <!-- Manuscript item -->

The msContents element is used to describe the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part. It comprises either a series of informal prose paragraphs or a series of msItem or msItemStruct elements, each of which provides a more detailed description of a single item contained within the manuscript. These may be prefaced, if desired, by a summary element, which is especially useful where one wishes to provide an overview of a manuscript's contents and describe only some of the items in detail.

# Summary


Contains an overview of the available information concerning some aspect of an item or object (for example, its intellectual content, history, layout, typography etc.) as a complement or alternative to the more detailed information carried by more specific elements.

# Manuscript item

<msItem n="1">
  <locus from="4v" to="23r">ff. 4v-23r</locus>
  <title xml:lang="lat">Somniale Danielis</title>

Describes an individual work or item within the intellectual content of a manuscript, manuscript part, or other object. The order of elements inside the <msItem> element should be kept.

# Locus

<locus from="4v" to="23r" facs="image.jpg">ff. 4v-23r</locus>

Defines a location within a manuscript, manuscript part, or other object typically as a (possibly discontinuous) sequence of folio references. Attributes from and to should point to the location of the text in manuscript. Attribute facs can be used to link locus with a particular image.

Spaces in range descriptions

In case the range attribute from, to should contain spaces, because of additional identifier, use hyphens instead of spaces. For example 12 bis v should be written as 12-bis-v.


In case you will use locus to link to images, please include these images with your XML file as well.

# Title

<title xml:lang="lat">Somniale Danielis</title>

The element must always contain the title of the document which is present in the manuscript, if there is any. Similarly like in previous cases the xml:lang attribute must contain valid ISO-639-3 language code. For list of language codes see language codes.

# Physical Description


    <objectDesc form="codex"></objectDesc>
    <handDesc hands="1"></handDesc>

Under the general heading ‘physical description’ we subsume a large number of different aspects generally regarded as useful in the description of a given manuscript. These include:

  • aspects of the form, support, extent, and quire structure of the manuscript object and of the way in which the text is laid out on the page
  • the styles of writing, such as the way it is laid out on the page, the styles of writing, decorative features, any musical notation employed and any annotations or marginalia
  • and discussion of its binding, seals, and any accompanying material

# Object Description

<objectDesc form="codex">
    <material>Parchment</material> codex with half <material>goat-leather</material>.

The objectDesc element is used to group together those parts of the physical description which relate specifically to the text-bearing object, its format, constitution, layout, etc. The objectDesc element is used for grouping the elements relating to the physicality of a text-bearing object as part of a manuscript description. If a full description of an object (text-bearing or not) is desired, the more general object element may be preferred. The form attribute is used to describe form of the manuscript, see table below.

Form Description
book In case the witness is printed book.
composite_manuscript In case the witness is composed from various manuscripts

# Material

<material>Parchment</material> codex with half <material>goat-leather</material>.

The element should be used inside a paragraph to tag any specific physical material of which manuscript is composed. Possible materials can be: parchment, paper, calfskin, goatskin, mixed.

# Hands description

<handDesc hands="2"></handDesc>

Contains a description of all the different hands used in a manuscript or other object.

# Scribers are unknown

<handDesc hands="2">
  <handNote xml:id="Hand_Unknown-1">
    <p>identifies the scribe of the manuscripts</p>
  <!-- handNote can be repeated as many times as needed -->

The element <handNote> describes a particular style or hand distinguished within a manuscript. The description of writers characteristic must be always inside the paragraph element <p>. The xml:id attribute must always contain an unique value, thus it is recommended to identify scribers with prefix starting with string Hand_.

# Scribers are known

<handDesc hands="2">
 <handNote xml:id="Hand_2Eirsp" scope="major">
  <p>The first part of the manuscript, <locus from="1v" to="72v:4">fols
       1v-72v:4</locus>, is written in a practised Icelandic Gothic bookhand. This hand
     is not found elsewhere.</p>
 <!-- handNote can be repeated as many times as needed -->

As above the <handNote> element is used to describe the scribe, but because it is known which part was written by which scribe. It can be used <locus> element to specify parts which were written with this hand, see <locus> for more information about the element. Also the attribute scope can be used to specify how widely was this hand used in manuscript.

scopes description
sole only this hand is used throughout the manuscript
major this hand is used through most of the manuscript
minor this hand is used occasionally in the manuscript

If you know other works written by the same hand. It can be noted inside the <handNote> element by providing the title of the other within the <title> element followed by ref element specifying the location. See example below.

<handDesc hands="2">
 <handNote xml:id="Hand_2Eirsp" scope="minor">
  <p>The second part of the manuscript, <locus from="72v:4" to="194v">fols
       72v:4-194</locus>, is written in a hand contemporary with the first; it can also
     be found in a fragment of <title>Knýtlinga saga</title>, <ref>AM 20b II

# History


The above elements are used to record information about the history of a manuscript. This element is optional.

# Origin

  <p> Written in
      <country>Czech Republic</country>
      <region><!-- Region, can be omnited --></region>
      <institution><!-- Name where was the manuscript written --></institution>
    <origDate notBefore="1248-01-01" notAfter="1348-01-01">
      Not before 1248 and not after 1348.

Contains any descriptive or other information concerning the origin of a manuscript, a manuscript part, or another object. The description should be written in prose inside the paragraph <p>. However, additional tags that specify information can be used.

# Original place

Contains any form of place name, used to identify the place of origin for a manuscript, a manuscript part, or other object. Follow similar rules as any other element specifying location, see this example.

# OrigDate

Contains any form of date, used to identify the date of origin for a manuscript, manuscript part, or other object. Follows same rules as any other date element, see this example.

# Provenance

<p>Given to <name type=“person“>W.Olleyf</name> by <name type=“person“>William Ebchester</name>, Prior (1446-56) and later belonged to <name type=“person“>Henry Dalton</name>, Prior of <name type=“place“>Holy Island (Lindisfarne)</name> according to inscriptions on ff. 4v and 5.</p>

Contains any descriptive or other information concerning a single identifiable episode during the history of a manuscript, a manuscript part, or another object after its creation but before its acquisition. They should be written in prose inside a paragraph <p> and may contain additional tags.

# Name

<name type="place" ref="#Place_Prague">Name</name>

Contains a proper noun or noun phrase.

Types Description
person Specifies that the name is persons name.
place The name contains name of the place.
org Name of the organisation.

Names can also refer to predefined people or places with ref attribute.

# Acquisition

  <p>Left to the <name type=“place“> Bodelian</name> by <name type=“person“>Richard Rawlinson</name> in 1775.</p>

Contains any descriptive or other information concerning the process by which a manuscript or manuscript part or other object entered the holding institution. Similarly as with the provenance additional elements can be used. Should be written in prose inside a paragraph tag <p>.